A Kirin's Journey - FiMFetch.net (2024)

by SnowNadder

First published

A bookworm Kirin and her dragon friend embark on a long and arduous journey to save their home.

"Once upon a time, 1,000 years ago, there was a large population of kirin all throughout the Peaks of Peril. The Kirin were well known for their kind words and honest speaking. The kirin had a strong bond with nature; able to grow plants, create lakes and such with their magic.

Every other creature loved the kirin... except for one... the Nirik; creatures of anger and pure fire. Very destructive creatures that grew jealous of the kirin for their friendship with the other creatures. So the Nirik decided to invade the Kirin villages and destroy every last kirin, so that no one would ever remember them. Luckily, a small number of Kirin escaped the destruction and hid inside a ravine deep inside the Peaks of Peril, where they have been safe ever since and the Nirik have not been seen ever since."

Until today.....

Scarlet Flame, the Kirin, has always been the bookworm of her villiage in the Peaks of Peril, with her best dragon friend, Crystal as her only friend. When the Nirik invade her village, seeking to eliminate the Kirin race, Crystal and Scarlet are forced on the run where they meet her friends and allies in their fight against the Nirik to save their race and their home.

"Once upon a time, 1,000 years ago, there was a large population of kirin all throughout the Peaks of Peril. The Kirin were well known for their kind words and honest speaking. The kirin had a strong bond with nature; able to grow plants, create lakes and such with their magic.

Every other creature loved the kirin... except for one... the Nirik; creatures of anger and pure fire. Very destructive creatures that grew jealous of the kirin for their friendship with the other creatures. So the Nirik decided to invade the Kirin villages and destroy every last kirin, so that no one would ever remember them. Luckily, a small number of Kirin escaped the destruction and hid inside a ravine deep inside the Peaks of Peril, where they have been safe ever since and the Nirik have not been seen ever since."

A white colored kirin with a black mane and tail with white stripes read on as she read the book aloud when she decided to read the rest at home. "Time to go back home.." she said before she dashed out of the kirin library.

The kirins' name was Scarlet. Scarlet Flame. She was the resident bookworm of the Peaks of Peril and part of the kirin village that escape the Nirik 1,000 years ago. The Peaks of Peril was at the end of a small hidden ravine passage that the kirin know of. It consisted of their homes made from trees and their small stores where they would trade and buy food and supplies. Their tree houses were connected by some bridges so everyone was neighborly with each other. There was a small market area too where kirin could buy things like vases, jars and other accessories for their houses. The kirins have rarely ventured outside of the Peaks of Peril for the fear of the Nirik finding them and trying to destroy their village and their remaining population.

She was now walking back to her village in the Peaks of Peril when three more kirin approached her. "There you are Scarlet. Luna Flare is having a small get together in the west field, you wanna come?" Solar Flare asked.

"Oh, sorry girls. I have some studying to catch up on." Scarlet stated before she walked off and the three kirins sighed, "Does that kirin do anything except study?" Solar Flare deadpanned to her friends.

"I think she's more interested in books than friends." Moon Flame replied as the three kirins walked off.

Scarlet, meanwhile, was galloping through the Peaks of Peril ignoring the waves of the other kirin until she came to her home and she entered her tree home, seeing a dragon just about to lay on the couch.

The dragon was a bit taller than Scarlet herself. She was black with a cream underbelly and several red bands on her left leg, right arm, ears and one on her neck. She also had pink scales on her head and one on her tail. She also had red eyes.

A Kirin's Journey - FiMFetch.net (1)

“Hi Crystal.” Scarlet greeted as she walked to the couch and set her saddlebag down.

Crystal came over, "Hey Scarlet, did you find anything new in the library?” Crystal asked. Scarlet levitated some books out of her saddlebag, “Just some books on highly advanced magic spells. And on Kirin history.”

Crystal sighed, “You always get books about magic, Scarlet. Why not get a book on making friends?”

Scarlet sighed and rolled her eyes, “Crystal, I told you. I don’t need friends. I don’t have time for friends. I’m just fine.”

“But Scarlet-“ Crystal sighed, knowing this would not get her anywhere. Ever since Crystal hatched her from an egg, she’s been focusing on her magic; reading all the time. 24/7. Not going out and making friends. No matter how many times Crystal tired to persuade her, Scarlet wouldn’t budge. "Besides, I need to research any signs of Nirik in case they come back again."

"But Crystal, the Nirik haven't been spotted for at least 1,000 years." Crystal dismissed.

"But what if they come back and invade without a warning! We'd be caught off guard and defenseless..! We'd have to leave and-" Crystal placed her claw in front of Scarlet's mouth to silence her. "Scarlet, the chances of that happening and very very low. Beside the Nirik haven't been spotted for 1,000 years. I seriously doubt they would be able to find everykirin here so deep in the Peaks of Peril. Beside, you have your tough and brave dragon companion here to protect you from all sorts of danger big and small." Crystal puffed out her chest, showing how tough she was. Scarlet chuckled at her friends' toughness attempts.

"I guess you're right, Crystal..." Scarlet replied. Crystal smiled at her best friends, "Trust me, I don't think you have anything to worry about." Scarlet nodded at her best dragon friend, secretly hoping that she was right. "Now come on, you better get some rest." Crystal advised, pointing out the window which showed the sun setting over the horizon. Scarlet nodded and she climbed into her bed while Crystal climbed into the makeshift bed, Scarlet made for her and the two friends fell asleep for the night.

The Next Morning...

Scarlet woke up and she saw that Crystal wasn't in her bed. Scarlet sighed, "Please tell me she's not…" she groaned to herself as she stretched and exited the room and walked down the hallway and entered Crystal's library and found the kirin reading a book while being surrounded by two large stacks of books. Scarlet sighed. "And she is…"

Scarlet went over to her best friend and tapped her shoulder, "Huh? Oh Crystal. I didn't hear you come in."

"Oh gee, I wonder why?" Scarlet said sarcastically.

Crystal rolled her eyes at her dragon friend, "What are reading upon this time?"

"I found this book in the library, it mentions something about two powerful Horse like creatures called Pokemon, who, along with their master, dashed across the lands bringing lush vegetation for all. Also, three powerful bird and cat like Pokemon who could control fire, electricty and water/ice. There are also this mention of powerful dragons unlike anything E Equestria has seen before disappearing without a single trace. Wonder where they are now?"

"Well, maybe you'll find out one day." Scarlet said.

Suddenly, Scarlet and Crystal heard cries from outside their home, "What's going on?" Crystal asked. Scarlet and Crystal raced downstairs and they went outside and gasped in horror. The kirin were running all around the place in a panic and the duo saw why. "NIRIKS!"

Indeed, a small group of Niriks came charging into the village; setting the houses on fire and destroying the kirins' homes, before capturing them and gathering them up.

"I thought they'd never find you guys here!" Crystal whimpered in fear and shock. "Scarlet, what do we do?" Scarlet frantically rushed upstairs and pulled out a suitcase before opening it and placing her stuff and Crystal's stuff inside. Crystal came upstairs, "What are you doing?"

"Crystal, we gotta go.. now!" Scarlet stated.

"Go?! Go where?" Crystal asked.

"Somewhere... anywhere that can help us defeat the Nirik and save our kind." Scarlet stated, closing the suitcase before filling her saddlebag with some food and her books as well. "Okay... that should be enough..."


"Open up, Kirin. We know you're in there..!"a Nirik growled.

Crystal and Scarlet gulped nervously before Scarlet opened the window, "Jump!" and the two jumped out of the window and landed in the brush below. They both rushed out of the brush and ran as fast as they could away from the Niriks, who were chasing after them. "Crystal, firewall, quickly!" Scarlet called.

"Got it!" Scarlet said before stopping and turning back and she unleashed a firewall at the Nirik, making it very large. Scarlet then flew to catch up with her friend as they came out of the Peaks of Peril to the station. Scarlet panted for a moment, "Do you... think we... lost them...?"

Crystal looked around, "For now; yes, but I don't think that will hold them for long. We gotta keep moving." Scarlet nodded before the two of them starting running once more, following the tracks, hopefully to a safe, Nirik free place.

The desert sun outside the Peaks of Peril was blazing hot as it beat down on Scarlet and Crystal as they walked through the hot sand. The two of them had been walking for two days straight, trying to put as much distance between them and in the Niriks but the desert heat and humidity were starting to take their toll on the two friends. Scarlet and Crystal we’re both walking very slow and in a bit of pain. “Ugh... Scarlet... can we... take a... break? My feet... are killing me...” Crystal suggested, wiping sweat from her face.

Scarlet, who was a few feet in front of her was sweating as well. Her mane was drooping down in her face, plastered with sweat and she was feeling the blisters on her hooves which were not used to the desert sand at all. “Gotta... k-keep... m-moving...” Scarlet croaked with a very dry throat before coughing. Her vision was getting very blurry from all the walking, heat and exhaustion she felt. Scarlet blinked hard, trying to stay awake but the desert and exhaustion caught up with her and her vision went black as she passed out! “Scarlet!” Crystal cried in horror, seeing her best friend suddenly pass out.

Crystal rushed over to her, “Crystal..wake up!” she called but Scarlet only responded with a weak moan. “Oh man... heat exhaustion..” Crystal muttered in worry. Crystal has read about heat exhaustion in one of Scarlets’ books. She had to act fast to keep her friend alive. Crystal frantically looked around for any sign of shelter or water, “Come on, Come on...” then she spotted a small oasis not far from them. “Yes...!” Lifting both Scarlet and her bags, Crystal managed to walk towards the oasis. The large palm trees sheltered Crystal and Scarlet from the intense desert heat and the small lake in the middle allowed Crystal to drink the refreshing water. “Guh..... man that’s good..”

Now for Scarlet. Crystal dug in her saddlebags and pulled out her canteen. She stuck it into the lake, allowing it to fill with water. When it was full, Crystal brought it over and used her claw to lift up Scarlets head. “Here Scarlet, drink...” she urged, pressing the canteen to Scarlets’ dry lips. Crystal carefully poured the water into Scarlets’ throat and she thankfully and instinctively drank the liquid. Crystal stopped after a few moments to let Scarlet breath. She dug into the saddlebag again and pulled out her blanket and pillow before placing the pillow underneath her head and the blanket over top of her. “There...” Crystal smiled, seeing her handy work, “Now what else?”

Her answer came in the sound of her growling stomach. “Ugh...right..food.” Scarlet and Crystal haven’t eaten anything in two days which only added to the reason why Scarlet passed out. Scarlet’s stomach let out a loud growl out of hunger too and she winced before instinctively rubbing the aching organ. Crystal looked in the palm trees and she saw some fruit. “Perfect.” She spread her wings and she flew up to the fruit and picked some before returning to Scarlets’ side. “There.. that should help Scarlet.” Crystal smiled before hearing her own stomach growling again. “Now what about me?” she groaned.

Crystal dug into Scarlet’s saddlebag, “Come on... come on... yes!” and she spotted some gems that Scarlet had packed for Crystal, who like all dragons ate gems. Crystal chuckled at the sight of the gems and she dug right into them. When she was done, she put the gems that she couldn't finish back into the saddlebag.

That's when Scarlet started to stir, "Ugh.... Crystal?" Crystal heard her weak cry and came over to her, "Scarlet.. thank goodness.." Scarlet tried to sit up but Crystal gently pushed her back down, "Don't get up yet... you're still weak..."

"Ugh... what.. happened?" Scarlet asked in a hoarse voice.

"You passed out." Crystal said, placing a cool rag on her head. Again, Scarlet tried to get back up but Crystal refused to let her, "Crystal... we... gotta.. keep going.." Scarlet urged but Crystal shook her head, "No way..! You're too weak to go on. If you collapse again, the Nirik will definitely get you. You're resting. No ifs ands or buts about it."

Scarlet sighed, knowing Crystal's reputation for being stubborn when it came to her health. "Alright... I'll rest..." Scarlet conceded. Crystal smiled at her best friend and she tucked her back into blanket. "Crystal..."


"... Thanks for taking care of me..." Scarlet thanked. Crystal smiled. "No problem.. you did the same thing for me when you found me as an egg...."


A young Scarlet Flame was happily walking through the Peaks of Peril on her own. "Hm... wonder what I can do today?" Scarlet was a young and adventurous kind of kirin before she turned to her life of books. Scarlet was peeking through the bushes when she noticed something in the bush, "What's this?" Scarlet carefully pulled the thing out of the bush and saw that it was an egg...! The egg was black and pink with some red in it. "Woah...." Scarlet gasped. "Maybe Rainshine knows what this is?"

Scarlet returned to her village and found Rainshine, "Rainshine, Rainshine!" she called. The kirin leader heard her little cry and turned to her, "Yes Scarlet?"

"I found this egg in the bushes, do you know what it is?" Scarlet asked curiously. Rainshine took a look at the egg before comforting, "I believe this is a dragon egg."

"Dragon egg?"

"Yes. Through dragon eggs are very rare in this part of Equestria. This little egg must have gotten lost.."

"Aww... " Scarlet cooed. "... Can I keep it please..?"

"Well..." Rainshine trailed one.

"Please, I'll take good care of it, please Rainshine.." Scarlet pleaded with big eyes. Rainshine smiled at the little kirins' face. "Alright Scarlet, you can keep it."

Scarlet squealed happily and she rushed home and upstairs to her room where she wrapped the egg into a nice warm blanket. "There there little egg, you'll be alright..." Scarlet cooed at the egg which shook as if it could hear her. "Ehehehe." Scarlet cooed. Suddenly, the egg shook some more and started to crack. "Huh?"

Scarlet watched as the egg burst opening, revealing a black baby dragon with tiny pink scales on its back. The baby dragon yawned before it looked at Scarlet, "Mama.." it cooed.

Scarlet's heart melted at the sight of the little baby dragon. "Mama..?" Scarlet gently picked up the little dragon, "Yes little fella... I guess I am your mother..." The baby dragon cooed, reaching for Scarlets' scaly muzzle. Scarlet nuzzled the little baby dragon and looked into her eyes which shimmered like crystals. "Hmm... I think I'll call you, Crystal.. how about that..?"

The baby dragon cooed and babbled happily, liking the name. "Haha... Crystal it is then..." Scarlet declared and from that day on, Scarlet took care of Crystal until she was old enough to care for herself and they became the best of friends..

Flashback Ends

As Crystal stopped her flashback, she saw Scarlet smiling at her, "So... what are we gonna do now?" Crystal questioned.

Scarlet remembered the two Legendary Horse Pokemon, Legendary Bird and Cat Pokemon and the disappearing dragons. "We're gonna have to find someway to locate the Legendary Pokemon and vanished dragons that were mentioned in the book. They should be powerful enough to defeat the Nirik once and for all. They may be our only hope."

"You really think we can find them?" Crystal asked.

"I still have the book about them, hopefully it will have their locations." Scarlet hoped as she laid down for the night.

"Let's hope it does."

"Me too....."

And the pair fell asleep for the night under Luna's bright moon.

A Kirin's Journey - FiMFetch.net (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.