영화진흥위원회 온라인상영관 통합전산망 | IPTV 상영관별 최신작 (2024)

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  • 영화진흥위원회 온라인상영관 통합전산망 | IPTV 상영관별 최신작 (1)
  • '; $(this).parent().append(img); } });});function goSearch(val){var year = $('.select_year').val();var month = $('.select_month .clfix .on').text();var date = year + month + lpad(val,2,'0');dayAjax('day',date);}function dayAjax(typeCal,dateStr){var searchStartDate;if(typeCal == 'day'){searchStartDate = dateStr;}$('#searchStartDate').val(searchStartDate);$('#searchCondition').val(typeCal); $.ajax({ url:'/screening/latestScreening/selectLatestScreeningListAjax.do', data: $('#searchFrm').serialize(), type:'POST', dataType:'html',success : function(data){$(".movie_list_new").empty();$(".movie_list_new").html(data);},error : function(aaa){} });}function goList(typeCal,dateStr){var searchStartDate;if(typeCal == 'day'){searchStartDate = dateStr;}else if(typeCal == 'yearMon'){searchStartDate = dateStr;$('#searchCondition1 option:eq(0)').attr('selected','selected');}$('#searchStartDate').val(searchStartDate);$('#searchCondition').val(typeCal);// $('#searchFrm').attr("action","/screening/latestScreening/selectLatestScreeningList.do");// $('#searchFrm').submit();searchOption()}function searchOption() { $('#searchFrm').attr("action","/screening/latestScreening/selectLatestScreeningList.do");$('#searchFrm').submit(); }function calendarFixed(conInH){ scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if(scrollTop>calendarTop-20){ $('.calendar_list_wrap').addClass('fixed'); $('.calendar_list_wrap.fixed .movie_list_new').css({ 'min-height':conInH }); }else{ $('.calendar_list_wrap').removeClass('fixed'); } if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 700px)').matches) { $('.calendar_list_wrap').removeClass('fixed'); }}$(window).scroll(function() { calendarFixed();});$(window).resize(function(){ calendarFixed();});/* 20200824 정민 수정(E) */

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    영화진흥위원회 온라인상영관 통합전산망 | IPTV 상영관별 최신작 (2)
    영화진흥위원회 온라인상영관 통합전산망 | IPTV 상영관별 최신작 (3)
    영화진흥위원회 온라인상영관 통합전산망 | IPTV 상영관별 최신작 (4)
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    영화진흥위원회 온라인상영관 통합전산망 | IPTV 상영관별 최신작 (2024)


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    Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6303

    Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

    Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1992-10-31

    Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

    Phone: +6111989609516

    Job: Chief Farming Manager

    Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

    Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.