The ultimate guide to Elite Dangerous exploration (2024)

19. March 2016.

If you're an experienced pilot that knows his/her way around the galaxy, feel free to skip the introductions onto the “Let’s make some money” section below pointing you to a huge neutron star field… On the other hand – if you're just starting with Elite and exploration – read on!

Ok, so first things first – before you even think of doing anything, you'll need a decent exploration ship. Even though you can go exploring in pretty much any ship ingame – some are obviously better suited for the job than the others. There are a lot of things to take into consideration like ship size, fuel tank size, stock jump range, the number of internal compartments and so on… But, to make things simple – you can find several ships with custom tailored exploration fits below thatyou can use to push yourself into the void without the worry of being stuck somewhere, as long as you keep your eye on your fuel tank and any scoopable stars around you. To easily memorize star types you can actually get fuel from just remember KGB FOAM or “Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me” where each first letter represents a star class.

How to fit ships for exploration

Now, what you need to know is how to fit your ship properly. Once you get out of the habitable spacethere's literally nothing that can harm you except yourself. So – explorers usually fit the lightest modules they can find to max out the ship jumprange. That means full D-class modules except the FSD and the power plant.

A-class FSD is a must for obvious reasons, and you should take an A-class power plant but make it a smaller module size if possible. The pure power output is not that important since you'll be using like 50-60% of it anyway… So just make sure you have enough to power your modules – no need to spend money on things you won’t be using. A-class power plants are tougher and take less heat damage once you come close to the star to scoop fuel. That means you can stand there longer and not overheat – and therefore, not take any damage.

When it comes to your internal modules – get the best fuel scoop you can afford. They don't weight a thing, they don't impact your jump range, so a higher class will save you time on refuelling. However – if you're tight on budget, there's nothing wrong with taking a lower class fuel scoop. Some fuel scoop sizes give you only a couple of seconds faster scooping and usually cost double in price so in that case just go with the cheaper one and don't worry about it.

The ultimate guide to Elite Dangerous exploration (1)

Now – when I said nothing can hurt you out there except yourself, I wasn't kidding. Chances you bump into a pirate a few thousand lightyears out of the bubble are literally zero. Instead of pirates and players wanting to pewpew you down – you will be jumping into a lot of star systems, and if you lack the focus while jumping into a system with neutron stars, black holes, white dwarves or even regular stars… your ship can take quite some damage.

The key to successful exploration is awareness. Just take a look around the star map and see what type of stars surround you. That way you'll ensure that you can always hop out of your plotted route and scoop some fuel if you keep jumping into systems with dead stars (remember KGB FOAM?), but it will also give you an idea what type of jump exit you can expect.

For example – jumping into a system with a black hole or a neutron star will give you literally just a fraction of a second to come to a full stop – otherwise, you'll be pulled out of supercruise and your ship will take damage. If that wasn't enough – you will most probably overheat when you try to jump out of the system while being so close to the star unless you have heat sink launchers fitted. And this is where we come to actual ship fitting.

What I usually aim for is the longest jump range paired with decent fuel efficiency and repair modules.So the first ship of choice would be an awesome little ship perfect for the starter explorers – The Hauler aka El Cheap-o exploro.This fit is just shy of 4 million credits and makes a perfect setup for your first journey. You can make it even cheaper by swapping out the fuel scoop for a lower class one, and you won't even lose that much time for refuelling. With a jump range of 25.81 lightyears with a full tank – you will be covering good distances with each of your jumps.

Unfortunately the Hauler is very limited when it comes to internal compartments and it has a small fuel tank so you won’t have any shields with this fit or room for a buggy unless you get rid of your repair module.

Next step up is the Adder.sitting at 4.3 million credits. It’s pretty much the exact same fit as the Hauler’s but it gives you an option to juggle around your buggy hangar, shields and repair modules since you get an extra internal compartment and gives you extra fuel storage.

This ship wouldn’t be the best small multipurpose ship if it wasn’t good for exploration aswell – The Cobra is our next ship of choicewhich will cost you around 8 million credits. It Offers everything the previous models offer but throws in good shielding, repairs, a buggy hangar and still pushes you just over 25 lightyears per jump. Have in mind, you can get this ship fitted for a lot less credits (4.6 million) if you use a lower class fuel scoop and repair modules.

Finally, it’s time to bite into exploration ships boasting with huge jump ranges. The first dedicated explorer is the Diamondback Explorer aka The space bee, which will cost you around 13 million credits if you opt for the best fuel scoop and repairs or 9.3 million if you take the cheaper versions. This ship will be able to take you over 33 lightyears per jump!

The ultimate guide to Elite Dangerous exploration (2)

The favourite ship of choice for most explorers is actually the Asp Explorer. It’s not a pretty ship, I have to admit… it’s more like a flying space pancake but it has a beautiful unobstructed glass co*ckpit just made for looking at shiny stuff around you while you’re exploring deep space. Fits for the Asp Explorer can get a bit pricy if you opt out for best modules,but honestly – I just stick with lower class modules because the benefit of a few seconds while scooping is not that important.So expect anything between 14 and 45 million credits.

Exploration fit for a king

Since we covered all the dedicated ships, the only thing left is the super-luxurious class. The Imperial Clipper for example is an awesome way to cruise the galaxy in style. It’s one of the best looking ships ingame and it will surely make all your screenshots look amazing with its flowing stylish design and huge spread wings. This Imperial Clipperfit will cost you 33.7 million credits and take you out 25.4 lightyears per jump. If you opt for the best modules available, the Imperial Clipper can easily cost you over 140 million credits.

If you prefer even bigger, bulkier ships with huge obstructed co*ckpit views – the Anaconda is the way to go. The cheaper fit will dig a hole 150.9 million credits deep inyour pocket, and taking more buggies with a better fuel scoop with you will cost you a wooping 263.7 million credits.The good thing about the Anaconda is her jump range. Even though it’s a huge ship – those big engines can easily push you out for over 36 lightyears per jump!

And finally – the crown jewel of the imperial fleet, and the most beautiful ship currently available – The Imperial Cutter. Even though the jump range is nowhere near the range of the Anaconda or any of the dedicated explorers – you will be flying the most luxurious ship available to players to date!The fit cost can vary by a lot depending on what you take with you since the Cutter is packed with internal compartments so expect anything from 250to over 585 million credits!

Exploring and scanning

After you chose, buy and fit the ship of your choice it’s finally time to head out and explore! Have in mind that exploration in Elite is… well – monotonous (I don’t want to say boring). So before you think – “Hey! Let’s go visit Sag A*”, I strongly suggest you take it slow, and give it a shot on a much closer range. Take your ship out for a spin around the bubble or to a nearby nebula. Just a few thousand lightyears out will boost your exploration rank and give you a lot of undiscovered systems to put your name on. Also – you will get the feel for long-time jumping and see if you can handle the loneliness of empty space for a long period of time. If you actually decide to take a long trip – stock up on good music or TV series you can watch/listen to while you’re on your journey.

So – What do you want to scan? At first – scan everything except rock/ice moons and asteroid belts. Those are not worth your time at all. After a while you’ll most probably get bored of scanning everything and just stick to Earth-like planets, Water worlds, Gas giants, and high metal content planets. But what gives you credits are actual neutron stars, white dwarves and black holes.

Even though they can appear anywhere, chances you find them close to human space is very low, and you will need to go out more than 10,000 lightyears to find a decent field of neutron stars.

The ultimate guide to Elite Dangerous exploration (3)

To make rare stars more obvious untick all the boxes in the star-class filter on your map and leave only the last 2 – white dwarf stars and non sequence stars since those will give you the biggest payout.

What you need to be careful about is exiting your jump once you hop into such systems. As mentioned previous – you only get a second to come to a full stop before you get pulled out of supercruise and take damage. So I suggest you bind your “Set speed to 0%” action to a key that is easily accessible on your keyboard or game controller.

To make things faster – once you jump into a new system, hit your D-scan immediately, select the star in front of you and scan it. At the same time, slow down in scoop range (if the star is scoopable) so you get fresh fuel. That way you’ll be doing several things at the same time which maximizes your efficiency. After the D-scan is done, check your system map for interesting locations and planets. I usually scan everything in 1000 Ls range and go even further if it’s something worth a visit like a Water world or an Earth like planet.

Let’s make some money!

If you made it through your first few thousand lightyears – congratulations! And if you still feel the exploration itch it’s time to get serious. What you want to find is a huge neutron star field and just farm it until you have enough for your wanted exploration rank. Each neutron star will net you 40,000-50,000 Credits and they are usually surrounded by several scoopable stars so you can keep scanning them as long as you want without running out of fuel.

Open up your map and find a system named Clookie UO-Z D13-22. It’s a start of a HUGE field of neutron stars that are just waiting to be explored. The actual trail of neutrons starts even sooner – around 1000 lightyears prior to Clookie sector (I just love the name), so you can follow the trail of those before you hit the jackpot.

Once inside the neutron star field – feel free to turn in whatever direction you want because there’s almost no end to them all the way to the core of the galaxy!

Just remember to check your fuel tank regularly!

Making money - the easy way

Update 6/2017- With the update to exploration payouts, it has become very profitable to scan Earth-like planets just like water worlds. Luckily, CMDR VicTic/SchmicTic made a list that takes you around 300 of such planets. The best part is the fact all of the systems on the list are only a few hundred light-years away from the bubble which makes the route very accessible to everyone - even brand new accounts.

For extra convenience, Alpha Orbital provides a handy companion tool calledPathfinderwhich lists all the systems on the "Road to riches" and gives you an easy way of tracking visited systems.

Help,I messed up!

No matter how careful an explorer is - it's always possible toend up stranded thousands of lightyears away from home with potential millions in your scan data, but without any fuel to continue your journey or to get back. If that happens to you - just keep calm and don't panic. Why? Because there's an amazing part of Elite community just dedicated to saving such commanders that end up dead in the water.

They go by the name of Fuel Rats, and they are your key to a safe return. All you have to do is contact them, ask nicely for help and one of their members will rush to your aidbringing lots of fuel along so you can continue on merrily.

Fly safe commanders o7

The ultimate guide to Elite Dangerous exploration (2024)


Has everything been explored in elite dangerous? ›

As of January 10, 2023, only 0.059% of the galaxy or exactly 236,219,997 unique star systems, had been explored.

How to properly explore elite dangerous? ›

Step-by-Step guide to Exploration
  1. Find the unexplored system in the galaxy map that you would like to explore. ...
  2. Before you leave the station and head to the unexplored area, fill your ship's fuel. ...
  3. Launch and jump to the unexplored system.
  4. Discovery step. ...
  5. Scanning Step.

How do you get elite rank in exploration? ›

To reach Elite, you need a total of 320m worth of exploration data or passenger missions, about 200m in the last rank alone. If you purely scan planets with about 500k average value, that'd be 640 planets, your sanity will be depleted before long. The best and quickest way is Robigo-Sothis passenger missions.

Will Elite Dangerous ever shut down? ›

We do have positive feedback from Frontier that servers will not be shut down any time soon and minor bug will still be addressed but content will be minimal.

How much of Elite Dangerous is undiscovered? ›

🌌 Only 0.059% of the galaxy has been discovered in the Elite Dangerous live game so far! 👣 Where will you blaze your trail next?

How do you make the most money exploring in elite dangerous? ›

To maximize earning potential while exploring I suggest the following:
  1. Number of systems visited is not the main thing, its the quality of those systems.
  2. Pinging (discover scanner) systems with lots of bodies can net you 50,000 or more with just that.

Can you explore the inside of your ship in elite dangerous? ›

You can walk around inside a fleet carrier right now. You don't even have to own one - just land at somebody else's. Let's see if you will want to do it again, after going through the same interior for a hundredth time.

How do you see if a system is unexplored in elite dangerous? ›

In Unexplored systems, the planets show up on the system map as "Unexplored" and you need to "explore" them, by either running the FSS, scanning the nav beacon in the system, or flying up to within 32 Ls of the planet and letting the passive scan complete.

What is the best planet to mine in Elite Dangerous? ›

A planet's gravity is important to note. Low-gravity planets will be easier to land on, but when you mine materials, they will take forever to settle on the ground. Higher-gravity planets between . 8 and 1.5 G are the best, as the materials settle on the ground quickly.

What is the most popular system in Elite Dangerous? ›

Top 100 > Visited systems
#SystemUnique Traffic
1Shinrarta Dezhra35,338
96 more rows

What is the best thing to trade in Elite Dangerous? ›

Your best bet is to look further out from the main starting sectors, best things to trade tend to be Palladium, Platinum, gold and silver. Taking back resonating seporators, projenitor cells or performance enhancers.

How to rank up in Elite? ›

Ranks are earned by completing missions for the Federal Navy. There are 14 ranks from Outsider to King in the Imperial Navy Auxiliary. Higher ranks unlock access to special Empire missions, ships and grants permits to access restricted star systems. Ranks are earned by completing missions for the Imperial Navy.

How do you get Explorer rank? ›

The Explorer Rank is required of a former Boy Scout who has not earned the Second Class while in Boy Scouting. A Second Class Scout will automatically earn the Explorer Rank after passing only the Social and Vocational Activities requirements.

How do you increase your federation rank elite? ›

Each mission you do gives you a percentage towards the next rank. Once you get to 100% a 'rank up' mission should appear,sometimes you have to flip the board to see it. normally titled federal navy.Do that mission and you gain the next rank.

Are there unexplored systems in Elite Dangerous? ›

There are indeed many unexplored systems out there. But even with an advanced scanner and surface scanner, the payout isn't much compared to other pursuits. I did it just for the kudos of getting my name on them - not that many will probably ever see them.

Is Elite Dangerous really 1 to 1? ›

Elite Dangerous is an online space flight simulation game developed and published by Frontier Developments. The player commands a spaceship and explores a realistic 1:1 scale, open-world representation of the Milky Way galaxy, with the gameplay being open-ended.

What is the farthest anyone has gone in Elite Dangerous? ›

We're used to the exploits of space-faring adventurers in MMOs, and this pilot has done something worth the record books in Elite Dangerous. One pilot has made a voyage just shy of 85,000 light years.

Is it possible to land on Earth in Elite Dangerous? ›

Elite Dangerous

Are atmospheric planets going to be landable in the future??? You can't land on Earth like worlds. Because reason. Actually it is because 80% of the planets in the game don't have atmosphere so enabling landing on those makes the more sense it is for the best of the game.


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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